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Part 3 of the review about "Me before You" Film

  Me before You💗 Direction and Production:  The way Thea Sharrock directed the movie was really touching 💕and sincere, making sure that the emotional moments💘 in the film were powerful without being too mushy. Remi Adefarasin's cinematography did a great job of showing the beautiful English countryside and the different, more serious places where Will spends his time. The production design matched the characters' personalities perfectly, from Lou's colorful and unique style to the fancy and classy look of the Traynor estate. Writing and Dialogue:   Jojo Moyes has transformed her own book into a screenplay, and the movie stays true to the original story for the most part. The conversations are interesting and sometimes clever, especially when Lou engages in playful banter. These lighthearted moments provide a nice break from the more serious topics. The pacing of the film is generally well-done, although some parts of the plot can be predicted. Music and Sound:   The

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Part 2 of the review about "Me before You" film

Review about "Me before You" Film

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